Team Umizoomi: Race to the FerryTeam Umizoomi: Race to the Ferry
Team Umizoomi: Race to the Ferry
Team Umizoomi: Race to the FerryTeam Umizoomi: Race to the Ferry

Team Umizoomi: Race to the Ferry


If you enjoy fast-paced adventures, the Shark Car: Race to the Ferry game is perfect for you! Join your Team Umizoomi friends as they help Jose reach the ferry before it departs. Take control of the Shark Car and race across the beach, avoiding obstacles like crabs, beach balls, and sandcastles. Can you make it to the ferry on time?

How to Play Race to the Ferry

Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to change lanes, the Right Arrow key to speed up, and the Space bar to jump over obstacles. Collect seashells along the way and pick up batteries for a speed boost to keep ahead of the clock. Avoid crashes, as they’ll slow you down and cost you some shells. Complete both stages of the race to ensure Jose arrives at the ferry on time!

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