Spiderman: Masked Missions
Embark on an exhilarating journey into the Spider-Verse with the Masked Missions game, offering a fresh perspective on the beloved red and blue superhero saga. Meet Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy, the new protagonists of this legendary story, each with their own unique powers and responsibilities.
As the second Spider-Man and successor to Peter Parker, Miles Morales faces the daunting task of following in his mentor's footsteps. Meanwhile, Gwen Stacy takes on the role of Spider-Woman in an alternate universe, showcasing her remarkable detective skills and analytical thinking. The choice is yours: which hero will you embody first?
Delve into two distinct challenges that test your reflexes and quick thinking. Traverse the New York underground system by leaping from train car to train car, using the Up and Down Arrow keys to navigate and the Left and Right Arrows to move within each car. Alternatively, take on the daring task of leaping between buildings, adjusting the strength of your jump with the Space Bar.