PJ Masks Games

Grizzy & the LemmingsMy Little PonyThe Happos FamilyShimmer and ShineThe Lion GuardHenry HugglemonsterBatwheelsSheriff Callie's Wild WestThe FungiesRusty RivetsMoley

PJ Masks Games

Welcome to the enchanting world of PJ Masks Games, where children transform into fearless superheroes simply by donning their pajamas! This captivating franchise, originating from a series of books and later expanding into an interactive computer-animated show, has captured the imaginations of youngsters since its television debut in 2015. At the heart of the PJ Masks universe are three ordinary kids who, under the cover of night, assume the roles of extraordinary heroes with their magical pajamas. Each costume, adorned with a unique animal totem, grants the wearer special abilities and powers, allowing them to combat the forces of evil and protect their beloved Tarabiscoville.

Meet the intrepid trio: Connor, Amaya, and Greg, who, as Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko respectively, harness their newfound powers to thwart the plans of formidable villains like Luna Girl and Night Ninja. With teamwork, strategy, and courage, they embark on thrilling nighttime adventures, proving that anyone can be a hero, even in their pajamas!