Looney Tunes: Batter Up!
Looney Tunes: Batter Up!

Looney Tunes: Batter Up!

Step into the desert with Bugs Bunny and Wile E. Coyote for a game of explosive baseball, where grenades replace baseballs and danger lurks at every swing of the bat. As Bugs, your mission is to deflect Wile E.'s grenades back at him with precision timing, but beware - one misstep and it's game over for both of you.

Utilize Squeaky's assistance to gain the upper hand against the cunning Coyote, but don't let distractions break your focus. With each successful redirection of a grenade, you rack up points, aiming for an unbroken streak to achieve the highest score possible. But be wary of Wile E.'s tactics - he may switch lanes to dodge your swings, testing your reflexes to the limit.

As the desert sun beats down, the stakes rise with each explosive pitch. Keep your eye on the ball - or rather, the grenade - and swing for the fences to outsmart Wile E. Coyote in this thrilling game of grenade baseball. Can you outplay your wily opponent and emerge victorious in the scorched sands of the desert?

© Boomerang / Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.

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