Jump the Shark
Jump the Shark

Jump the Shark

Get ready for an exciting adventure with your beloved Disney XD characters in the Jump the Shark game! Join the most popular heroes as they embark on a thrilling mission to launch themselves as far as possible into the water, all while having a blast along the way.

Choose your favorite character from a diverse lineup of Disney XD icons, each offering unique traits and abilities. Whether you prefer the leadership of Jack from Kicking It, the adventurous spirit of Milo from Fish and Hooks, or the ninja skills of Randy Cunningham, there's a character for everyone. Consider their floatiness and speed attributes before making your selection.

To achieve maximum distance, time your jump carefully using either the left mouse button or the space bar. Pay attention to the turning wheel at the start of the game and aim to launch your character with optimal power. Strategically bounce off sharks encountered along the way to propel yourself even farther and earn more points.

© Disney Enterprises, Inc.

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