Doc and Hallie's Checkup ChallengeDoc and Hallie's Checkup Challenge

Doc and Hallie's Checkup Challenge

It's a busy day at the clinic in Doc and Hallie's Checkup Challenge! Doc McStuffins has a long queue of patients, and she needs Hallie’s help to keep everything running smoothly. As her trusted assistant, your job is to welcome patients, hand Doc the right medical tools, and keep track of diagnoses in the Big Book of Boo Boos. Can you handle the rush and help every toy in need?

How to play Doc and Hallie's Checkup Challenge?

Click to open the clinic doors and let the patients in! Watch closely for the tool Doc needs, then select the correct one and hand it over. After each checkup, write down the patient’s name and diagnosis before moving on to the next. Work quickly, as you’ll need to manage multiple patients within a time limit! Stay sharp, assist Doc, and make sure every toy gets the care they need!

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