Black Panther: Jungle PursuitBlack Panther: Jungle Pursuit

Black Panther: Jungle Pursuit


Step into the thrilling world of Wakanda with the Black Panther: Jungle Pursuit game! Experience the excitement of embodying one of Marvel's most powerful heroes and embark on an adventure that will challenge your wits and coordination.

Black Panther's strengths lie in stealth, agility, and speed, making him the perfect warrior to combat the infiltrating Hydra in the Wakanda jungle. With a hidden secret weapon poised to destroy everything, it's your mission to infiltrate the enemy camp, defuse the bomb, and save the day!

Navigate through three levels of increasing difficulty, avoiding traps and enemies while lighting up fire signals to signal progress. Utilize Black Panther's skills with simple controls and strategic attacks, all while collecting code chips and disarming the Hydra bomb before time runs out. Embrace the spirit of the jungle and become the hero Wakanda needs!

© Marvel Entertainment, Inc.